Interview: Fundraising with ScoreVision's Digital Media Sales Team

December 11, 2019

Interview: Fundraising with ScoreVision's Digital Media Sales Team

Budgets for athletics and other programs keep shrinking, making an upgrade to a multimedia LED scoreboard seem out of reach. Fortunately, ScoreVision offers a valuable service to help schools fundraise with digital advertising on our LED sports scoreboards. We sat down with Devin from our Digital Media Sales team to learn more about this service.

What is Digital Media Sales?

ScoreVision offers a team of Digital Media Sales (DMS) representatives that is available to help customers raise money by selling advertising inventory on the ScoreVision system to sponsors. Our multimedia displays incorporate unique digital ad sequencing technology into the scoreboard experience which increases fan engagement and awareness. Our system can show static ads and animated video ads on the LED scoreboards as well provide exposure to sponsors on our Fan App.

At what stage do you introduce your services to a school?

After the school has committed, we determine whether our DMS services would be a good fit for the school. We don’t offer to partner with any and every school as we have certain guidelines (location, size, demographics) around the types of schools with whom we partner to sell ads, but we aim to help as many schools as possible with fundraising for their LED sports scoreboard upgrade.

How does the DMS team help schools?

We have a couple of options when helping schools fundraise/secure sponsors.

Option 1: The ScoreVision DMS team partners with schools to find and secure sponsors. This option takes the burden away from the AD. We work side-by-side with school administration (ADs, business manager, booster club, etc.) who have relationships and know the area. The school provides us a list of potential recommended sponsors and businesses, then we do additional research and build off that list. From there, we secure sponsors by sending emails, making calls, and conducting online demos. We also have sponsorship packages, marketing materials, and sponsor agreements in place.

Option 2: The school does their own fundraising. In this case the DMS team will walk the school through the digital advertising capabilities of our system. We provide generic materials like sponsorship levels and revenue potential to help them get comfortable with the process and what they can offer. Then, they go out and secure the sponsors on their own.

What kind of resources does the DMS team provide to schools?

We’ll share and provide information on the sponsorship program we recommend, including sponsorship ads, levels, and pricing that can then be edited and personalized to the school and their preferences. We’ll also help schools identify key businesses/industries they should contact.

What are schools’ main concerns about fundraising and how do you help them overcome these concerns?

Schools don’t know what they don’t know. Athletic directors often think they don’t have the time or knowledge to put effort into this task. Fundraising has always been looked at as tedious and difficult, but that’s changing because of ScoreVision. Businesses love getting involved with the ad sequencing offered through a ScoreVision LED scoreboard system because not only are they able to benefit from digital advertising on the newest technology, but they are able to support the school, students, and community who are being impacted by the capabilities of the multimedia displays. Simply walking schools through the capabilities of our displays and digital advertising not only eases any concern, but creates excitement about the potential.

How much time can the DMS team save schools?

There are multiple factors that can go into this, but something most athletic directors and administrators have in common is that they simply do not have enough time in their busy schedule to reach out to possible sponsors in their community. The DMS team can take this task off their plate so they can focus on other areas.

How quickly can the DMS team help a school fund their system compared to trying to raise the funds on their own?

Every school and area is different, but we’ve had ADs fundraise on their own in as little as a few days while it may take other schools a few months. When DMS partners with schools, our goal is to have the outstanding balance funded in 3 months.

What is the fundraising potential through a ScoreVision system?

We have fundraising plans in place that can generate upwards of $50K per year for an indoor LED sports scoreboard system and $100K per year for an outdoor system.

What advice do you have for schools that are interested in working with the DMS team to fund their ScoreVision system?

My advice would be that the more schools can come into this situation with a helpful mindset, the better. The more information that they can give us in regards to businesses in the area, companies that alumni and parents work for, attendance information about their games, etc. - all of this information is so valuable to us and can make the process that much simpler for both parties. I’d also encourage them to reach out as we’d love to educate them about our system. ScoreVision is really changing the game in education, fundraising, and of course, sports scoreboards.

No matter your athletic budget, ScoreVision is here to help you bring an amazing multimedia scoreboard experience into your school. Stay tuned for our next blog where you'll hear from several schools that have had amazing success with fundraising - follow us on Twitter and Facebook to be the first to know when it's released!

Learn more about our system and how we can help you fund it by contacting us today!

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