“Ten years ago, we didn’t have anything remotely approaching this,” said Jeff Packer, Director of Video Production at University of Nebraska Omaha, as fans were visibly “wowed” this season to see the new LED boards installed for the soccer, softball and baseball games. “People were really impressed by the clarity of it, what we are able to display like the player stats...a huge upgrade compared to the old 4 by 3 boards we had for a long time.”
While Samsung supplied the LED boards, the software is powered by ScoreVision, a unified system that handles all gameday production needs, from scorekeeping, to sharing video highlights, to livestreaming. What’s more – all of these can be achieved on an iPad.
“For people who work with the system, they’ve been equally wowed by just how easy it is to use,” Jeff said.
Given a largely student-based production team (up to 20 at anytime), ScoreVision's Producer App is perfect for students to learn production in a way they never could have before. Previously at Baxter Arena, it would have been difficult to train students or temporary workers on high grade broadcast hardware while in season. But now it’s all been made possible with the user-friendly ScoreVision software that they could easily embrace.
“The students and part-time workers really enjoy the ease of use of the system,” Jeff said. “If they were handed the iPad at the beginning of a baseball game, by 2nd inning they’d be a pro at it.”
ScoreVision is an official partner of Samsung, which means any school interested in adopting ScoreVision’s software, or Samsung’s LED display board hardware, can bring on the whole package already fully integrated with each other. Before having Samsung and ScoreVision as solution providers, UNO was working directly with hardware suppliers overseas, and experienced plenty of friction due to language barriers, time zone differences and unstable economic situations of the foreign supplier. Now if there’s any glitches happening to the LED board, ScoreVision will handle the troubleshooting and repairing of the parts by working with Samsung.
“The ScoreVision team is extremely knowledgeable about both the software and hardware,” Jeff said. “They’re very entrepreneurial and want to keep getting better.”
Even if a school like UNO has feature requests or ideas on how the system can improve, they can submit a ticket to ScoreVision to request that feature, and more often than not ScoreVision would put engineers on the task to meet the customer’s need. Jeff said he and the staff are pleasantly surprised at how customer-centric the ScoreVision team is in meeting their needs, and how cooperative they are.
Besides gameday production, UNO also figured out another way to make the most out of their brand new LED screens and the ScoreVision Producer App.
“We can hand the iPad to a coach if he or she wants to go over the film by the softball team, since they can now easily capture the action on the iPad,” Jeff said. “It’s like having a big chalk board they can use, instead of writing on it.”

ScoreVision has certainly found the niche for colleges and schools aspiring to have professional grade production values but don’t want to be fully outfitted at the broadcast level. It’s the perfect unified system that brings coaches, students and the entire community together to enjoy moments that will be remembered forever.
“I can’t say we could have made a better choice than to go with ScoreVision,” Jeff said.
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