Walker Hackensack Akeley High School Chooses ScoreVision

June 07, 2018

Walker Hackensack Akeley High School Chooses ScoreVision

Walker Hackensack Akeley High School is a public high school located in the tourist town of Walker, Minnesota. Pursuing the goal of always doing what's best...

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4 Reasons Why Prescott High School Upgraded to ScoreVision

March 19, 2018

4 Reasons Why Prescott High School Upgraded to ScoreVision

When it comes to upgrading your scoreboard, it can seem like your only option is to install a newer version of the same metal-box scoreboard you’re replacing....

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Dublin High School Upgrades to ScoreVision

January 15, 2018

Dublin High School Upgrades to ScoreVision

Recently, we showcased just some of the many ways that ScoreVision multimedia scoreboards can be customized beyond just changing a mascot or a color. This...

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