LED video boards powered by ScoreVision software provide the perfect platform for showcasing multimedia content for fans and the community to enjoy. Many times, this content is created by the students at our customer schools. Whether these students are just beginning their exploration into graphic...
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We are living in the peak age of the hype video. Hype videos are promotional clips that are intended to inspire fans, energize athletes, and create anticipation for upcoming athletic events. A hype video is not only capable of evoking an emotional experience for athletes and fans attending a game,...
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Since the founding of our company, ScoreVision’s goal has always been to bring the high-energy fan experience of college and professional arenas to high schools across the country. In addition to providing amazing experiences to fans, we strive to make student-athletes feel like pro athletes...
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As you look to upgrade your scoreboard, you might think that your only option is to upgrade to a newer single-function, metal-box scoreboard. With these traditional metal-box scoreboards, customization begins and ends with team colors, your school name, and perhaps a logo. Often, these items can’t...
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